For the United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit (UNCOPS) Ministers of the Interior, Chiefs of Police and high-level officials from more than 100 Member States gathered at the United Nations Headquarters in New York to review the evolution of today’s operating environment of the United Nations Police. During this daylong event, we heard participants:
Acknowledge the exponential growth of the United Nations Police numbers and tasks;
Recognize the central role of the United Nations Police in helping to rebuild, reform and restructure criminal justice chains;
Reaffirm the operational necessity of gender-sensitive policing, the nomination of gender focal points and women's participation in United Nations policing to ultimately reach the goal of 20per cent;
Commend the United Nations Police Division for its efforts to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of United Nations Police, tackling both doctrinal and capability gaps in the field; and
Look forward to the Secretary-General’s report on United Nations Police and encourage him to endorse the external independent review report recommendations by proposing concrete initiatives to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of United Nations Police.