Heads of Police Components (HOPCs) in UN Peacekeeping Operations and Special Political Missions will come to New York to discuss strategic police priorities and to brief the Security Council and the C-34 (the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations).
Start date:
Monday, November 5, 2018
End date:
Friday, November 9, 2018
Event location:
United Nations Headquarters in New York
Discussions will focus on a number of aspects, including:
- United Nations police’s contribution to the Secretary-General’s reform initiatives and the restructuring of the United Nations peace and security architecture;
- UN police’s central role in the Secretary-General’s vision for conflict prevention and sustainable peace by supporting host-states in standing up effective, efficient, representative, responsive and accountable police services;
- The key role of the police Division’s Standing Police Capacity in providing start-up capability for new police components of United Nations peace operations and assisting existing United Nations peace operations during transition and draw down phases;
- Increasing protection of civilians, confidence-building, reconciliation and strengthening of host-State services;
- Preventing and addressing new threats including transnational organized crime through capacity development and enhancement of host-State police services and other law enforcement entities.
- Implementation of the United Nations Police Gender Action plan in line with United Nations Secretary-General’s System-wide Gender Parity Strategy and the Department of Peace Operation’s targets for uniformed personnel;
- The enabling role of United Nations police in paving the way for transitions the withdrawal of United Nations peace operations.