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Formed police units (FPUs)


  • 1 Aug 2017

    The guidelines on the role of United Nations police in protection of civilians are designed to assist United Nations (UN) police in effectively implementing protection of civilians (POC) mandates in peace operations as a critical element in the comprehensive, whole of mission approach to POC and the wider UN system’s approach to protection.

  • 20 Apr 2017

    Les présentes instructions permanentes contiennent des procédures d’évaluation claires et cohérentes qui permettent d’assurer efficacement et rationnellement la sélection des unités de police constituées et leur affectation aux opérations de paix. Elles résument les conditions de capacité opérationnelle qui doivent être remplies et décrivent les préparatifs, le déroulement et le suivi d’une évaluation de la capacité opérationnelle.

  • 1 Apr 2017

    The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on assessment of operational capability of FPUs (2017) provide instructions and guidance to DPKO/DPPA/DFS personnel on how to assess formed police units (FPUs) against the requirements of operational capability for service in United Nations peace operations. The SOP also supports Police-Contributing Countries (PCCs) in their pre-deployment selection and training processes.

  • 14 Jan 2017

    Sample checklist for the formed police unit assessment and advisory visit (2017) which the Police Division team will use the check list as a reference to assess the overall capability of the Member State to deploy the pledged capability in a timely manner. The team is encouraged to be flexible and make appropriate judgement on matters that are intangible. Specific check lists will be prepared for the AAV for enabling units such as medical and aviation.

  • 1 Jan 2017

    The policy on Formed Police Units in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations policy defines the conditions of deployment, the role and composition of Formed Police Units (FPUs) deployed in United Nations peacekeeping operations. It directs the conduct of FPUs in the field, providing a clear delineation of the tasks, the appropriate use of force and the values that underlie the United Nations approach. Clearer guidelines, codes of conduct and command and control arrangements will facilitate the efforts of the United Nations Department of Peace Operations and Department of Field Support to ensure FPU members are fully prepared for their deployments; are fully trained and evaluated prior to and once they are in mission; and are held accountable for their actions in international service, including in the most serious cases of misconduct related to the use of force or sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA).




  • 10 Mar 2010

    The goal of this curriculum is to provide training to Formed Police to be deployed in UN missions. The curriculum addresses in particular information and competencies to fulfill their mandated tasks in regards to protection of UN personnel and facilities, public order and protection of civilians.


  • 1 Jan 2008

    The Policy on Authority, Command and Control in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (2008.4) clarifies the authority and command and control arrangements for the uniformed components of United Nations peacekeeping operations. The policy also provides important information regarding the relevant civilian and other managerial structures and their relationship to the uniformed components so as to enable more effective integration of the mission effort in multidimensional peacekeeping operations.


  • 1 May 2006

    The guidelines for formed police units (FPUs) on assignment with peace operations contain general information about the operational, administrative, logistical and other related aspects of deployment of FPUs in a UN peace operation. These guidelines are complementary to other documents and will be made available to Member States as well as members of the FPUs upon their arrival in the Mission area. The guidelines provide Member States with relevant information, standardize procedures pertaining to FPUs in a mission and ensure FPU personnel are fully aware of the operational, administrative, logistical and other related aspects pertaining to the deployment of FPUs to the mission.