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Download selected key UN reports on a variety of peacekeeping-related issues, produced by the Secretary-General, or by his specially-designated panels for the consideration of the General Assembly and/or the Security Council.


  • 21 Jun 2021

    Through the 2020 Standing Police Capacity Report, you will be able to see the large spectrum of expertise and support provided by SPC to many partners and stakeholders on policing issues. Despite the 2020 pandemic in which we were all embedded, the SPC was able to implement its mandated tasks and demonstrated the Team’s eagerness and capacity to deliver the required support to UN Missions, both DPO and DPPA alike.


  • 14 Jul 2020

    By its resolution 71/314, the General Assembly welcomed the report of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (A/71/19), decided that the Committee, in accordance with its mandate, should continue its efforts for a comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects, review the implementation of its previous proposals and consider any new proposals so as to enhance the capacity of the United Nations to fulfil its responsibilities in that field, and requested the Committee to submit a report on its work to the Assembly at its seventy-second session. To download this document in other UN official languages, click on this link.

  • 30 Jan 2020

    The Annual report provides an overview of the different tasks and achivements of the Standing Police Capacity in 2018. 


  • 10 Nov 2016

    The report of the Secretary-General on United Nations policing outlines how the environment in which the United Nations police operates has been altered by changing conflict dynamics. The United Nations police now engages in United Nations peace operations and post-conflict and other crisis situations across the entire peace and security spectrum, from conflict prevention and management to peacekeeping, peacebuilding and peace sustainment. It is often the breakdown of law and order that triggers United Nations deployment and, conversely the establishment or re-establishment of policing and other rule of law functions that allows United Nations peace operations to downsize and eventually withdraw.

    It also contains the Secretary-General's response to the external review of the functions, structure and capacity of the Police Division of 31 May 2016. Notably, it sets out my vision as to how to ensure that the United Nations police is ready to respond effectively to the challenges of the twenty-first century and contains 14 key recommendations. The report constitutes the second report on the United Nations police, the first (A/66/615) having been submitted to the General Assembly in December 2011 in response to a request by the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (see A/65/19, para. 78).

  • 30 May 2016

    As recognised in Security Council Resolution 2185 (2014) and the report of the High Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations (HIPPO), United Nations Police are a critical component of peace operations. United Nations Police bolster one of the host State’s core functions through their support to national policing.

    An independent review team was appointed by the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations in January 2016 to review the functions and responsibilities of the Police Division and provide recommendations in light of new demands, evolving mandates and mission environments. The review was prompted by the Secretary- General’s Report “The future of United Nations peace operations: implementation of the recommendations of the High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operations” (A/70/357–S/2015/682).

    The review team was co-chaired by the former Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) Hilde F. Johnson and Ambassador Abdallah Wafy, the Permanent Representative of Niger to the United Nations in New York and and former Police Commissioner and subsequently Deputy SRSG with the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO). The review team was supported by an independent secretariat, managed by the International Security Sector Advisory Team (ISSAT) of the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF).

    The final report of the review team was submitted to the United Nations Secretary-General on 31 May 2016. Currently, the Secretariat is considering the recommendations in consultation with Member States and other partners with the goal of ensuring that United Nations Police Division can best support United Nations Police in the field.

    More information

  • 1 Jan 2016

    The Annual report provides an overview of the different tasks and achivements of the Standing Police Capacity in 2015. 



  • 1 Dec 2014

    Report of the Secretary-General on the Implementation of the recommendations of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations. The present report, prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 68/277, highlights key developments in United Nations peacekeeping since the issuance of the previous report (A/68/652) and identifies issues for consideration by the SpecialCommittee on Peacekeeping Operations. [A/69/642] of 9 December 2014

  • 1 Dec 2014

    Fifth annual progress report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the global field support strategy, outlining the proposed way forward for shared services and supply chain management. The global field support strategy, launched in 2010, provided a five-year strategic agenda to reshape and strengthen support to United Nations field missions. The report says that beyond June 2015, the Secretariat will mainstream the strategic approach of the support strategy in order to ensure continuous performance improvement as an integral part of UN field support. [A/69/651] of 9 December 2014

  • 1 Mar 2014

    UN Police contribute to sustainable peace through effective and efficient delivery on police-related mandates. The "UN Police Towards 2020: Serve and Protect to Build Peace and Security" vision and multi-year strategy, adopted in 2014 defines four strategic priorities that will guide the work of the United Nations police over the next four years (2014-2017), as international police peacekeeping continually evolves to meet new needs.

    These priorities are to:

    • Prioritize a focus on field missions,
    • Foster prudent and effective management,
    • Deliver holistic doctrine and training, and
    • Harness the power of partnerships
  • 1 Feb 2014

    Report of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations. [A/68/19] of 24 February-21 March 2014

  • 1 Jan 2014

    Report of the Secretary-General on civilian capacity in the aftermath of conflict, the last standalone report on civilian capacity in the aftermath of conflict highlighting results achieved in the past two years, underlining lessons learned, and identifying remaining challenges and a way forward [A/68/696–S/2014/5] of 6 January 2014